Camp Scholarships & Discounts

We understand that participating in family camp can be a significant financial commitment, and we want to acknowledge the efforts and sacrifices many of you make to join us each year. The Family Fest board has worked hard this past year to give families “A Little Boost” to help get you there.

At our camp, we strive to create an enriching and memorable experience for all families, filled with activities, learning opportunities, and cherished moments together. We are committed to making this experience as valuable as possible.

To help ease the financial burden, we offer several options:

  • Early Bird Discounts: Take advantage of reduced rates by registering early.
  • First-time Family Discount: First time campers who have never been to a Winter Weekend or Summer Splash receive a $125 discount per adult.
  • Payment Plans: Spread the cost over several months to make it more manageable.
  • Scholarships and Financial Aid: Apply for assistance if you need support covering the expenses.

We believe that every family should have the opportunity to benefit from the unique experiences our camp provides, and we are here to help make that possible. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Thanks to many caring families, as well as grants from the Richard M. Schulze Foundation, Family Fest has a way to help get more families to camp. We truly welcome your inquiry. Scholarships are not available for Tier One or Tier Two cabins at Summer Splash.

We will not ask you to verify or explain your situation to get this discount. We trust that your need is real. Since these funds are coming from various grants, we may ask that you fill out a quick survey after camp regarding your experience. We will share the results with the foundations that have donated the funds and allow us to apply for funds in the future.

Payment Plan Option: You may also spread your camp payments out over the year. Simply drop us an email or letter letting us know how much you’d like to pay and at what intervals.

  • Family Information

  • We understand that every family situation is unique. Please indicate the amount that you are applying for. Remember that our funds are limited and we try to stretch these funds to reach as many families as possible. The typical maximum scholarship is 50%, but in very special circumstances we may be able to help beyond these limits but do not offer full scholarships.
  • As stated above, we trust that your need is real, so you don't need to explain why you are asking for a scholarship. However, feel free to let us know if there are any special circumstances or other information that would be helpful for us to know.
    Please let us know your registration status.
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