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Family Winter Weekend
Register Now
Winter Weekend Family Camps
Winter Weekend Registration
KCs Kid’s Counselors
Allergy, Medical and Dietary Needs
Winter Weekend FAQs
Grand View Lodge
January 2025 Camp Info
Family Fest Lost & Found
Winter Weekend January Survey
Winter Weekend Family Camp
Winter Weekend Registration
Winter Weekend KC Application
Winter Weekend Kid’s Counselors (KC) Program
y_Allergy & Diet Needs
Winter Weekend Speakers
Grand View Lodge
Directions to GVL
Winter Weekend Sample Schedule
Family Summer Splash
Summer Splash Family Camp
Summer Splash Registration
Housing & Rates
KCs Kid’s Counselors
Allergy & Medical
Summer Splash FAQ’s
Summer Splash Family Camp
Camp Talks and Journal
Summer Splash Camp Info
Summer Splash Registration 2024
Couple’s Marriage Retreats
Register Now
Marriage Retreats
Register Now
Marriage Booster Couple’s FAQs
Video Promo
Marriage Booster Retreat for Churches
Marriage Booster Retreat
Marriage Booster Retreat for Churches
Programs For Churches
Church Marriage Booster
Church Resources & Programs
Fan the Flame
Speaker Inquiry Form
Marriage Booster Retreat for Churches
Fan the Flame Evening for Couples
Speaker Resources
Winter Weekend January Survey
Winter Weekend January Survey
January Winter Weekend 2025 Survey
Camp Ranking, Take Away's & Speaker
How was Winter Weekend for you?
Very Good
What were the highlights of your time at Winter Weekend?
What did you think of our speaker, TIger McLuen? What were some of your "take-aways" from what he shared?
Please make any comments you have regarding Club, Music, Skits:
Please make any comments you have regarding Small Group time here:
If you had kids in one or more of the youth programs, please select all appropriate categories.
0-2 year-olds
3 years to 3rd Grade
4th - 6th Grade
7th - 9th Grade
KC Program
Share any thoughts about the programs for kids. Please indicate what group you are commenting on (infants, children's program, 4th-6th grade, 7th-9th grade)
Please make any comments you have regarding the KCs (Kid's Counselors)
How was Grand View Lodge for you? Food, cabins, staff, grounds, etc. If you have something specific for them to address in your cabin, please include you cabin number.
Other Comments:
Foundation Funding report
The Richard M Schulze Family Foundation provides some funding for scholarships and would like to know:
Do you beileve that Family Fest camps have strengthened your family's communication, feeling of unity and family connection?
Do you believe that Family Fest camps have strengthened your family's faith??
Would you recommend a Family Fest retreat to others?
Help us Promote Winter Weekend
The best way for us to promote Winter Weekend is to get quotes from campers on the impact it has made on you. These quotes might be used in next year's brochure, our web page, promo videos and in applying for scholarship grants.
What was the impact of Winter Weekend for you personally?
What was the impact of Winter Weeknd for your family?
If you were to talk about Winter Weeknd with a friend who has never attended, what would you say?
Others to Invite
If you know of families or potential KCs who you would like us to add to the mailing list, please add their names and addresses in this section and we will be sure to add them to our mailing list. Please make sure to include their full address, including zip code. It would be helpful if you had and email address as well.
Please add the following families to the Family Fest Mailing List:
Please add the following names to the KC invitation list:
Ministry to families, by families
If you would be willing to help out for next year's Winter Weeknd please let us know below.
I would love to help out next year:
Small Group Leader
Office volunteer throughout the year
Children's Program Team
4th-6th Grade Team
7th-9th Grade Team
Select All
Other Volunteer Options: If you can think of anything that is not listed above, please add it here:
Our family is interested in becoming monthly donors to Family Fest
Please send us an EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) form
We are already donors but would like to make our donations electronically instead of mailing a check.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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