Family Fest Story
Born out of a desire to make faith a shared family experience.
One of the very first Winter Weekend Camps in 1999 at Grandview Lodge.

In 1997, a group of 10 couples came together to create the first family getaway. The next year they invited five new families to join them and the following year over 50 families attended what came to be called Winter Weekend.
In 2000, the group formally organized as Family Fest Ministries and Pete Larson (who was part of the first 10 families) began as Executive Director in 2002. Since then, Family Fest has expanded its ministry to marriages, families, and the next generation, all intending to model the love of Jesus and show that faith is fun!
One of the very first Winter Weekend Camps in 1999 at Grandview Lodge.
families with opportunities to have fun and spend quality time together.
families to learn more about Jesus and integrate faith into everyday life.
families to serve and lead in hands-on, joyful ways.
families with a network of support, friends and mentors.
140 West 98th Street
Suite 206
Bloomington, MN 55420
© Family Fest Ministries | Website by Fuzzy Duck