MBR presenters playing a game with couples

The Marriage Booster Retreat is a Christian marriage program that has been developed is led by Family Fest Ministries. Our experienced facilitators will guide you through the day making it comfortable and enjoyable.

We like to say that this day is more like a “health club” than a “hospital” for your marriage. The goal is to provide an uplifting and encouraging day that will help you grow closer to your spouse as you learn how to strengthen your marriage. Throughout the day you will hear from the Marriage Booster experienced speakers on topics such as communication, expectations, priorities, intimacy, love languages, and much more. Following each session, you will have time to talk with each other with the aid of questions provided to you. The retreat is also light-hearted and fun. We will break up the day with a variety of activities that will get you moving and laughing together.

It is our hope that every couple who would like to attend the Marriage Booster regardless of their ability to pay. Because of this, rather than have a set fee, we have a suggested donation of about $160 per couple. This fee helps to cover room rental, food, snacks, staffing, and materials that you will take home with you.

We realize that couples are at various places in their faith, and we are very sensitive to this. We will incorporate scripture and the Christian faith into the presentations and materials. There will be times of prayer during the retreat. We will talk about the impact that faith has in a marriage.

No you will not. The only sharing that you will have is with your spouse. Couples do engage in conversation during lunch and other times during the retreat, but this is not directed in any way.

The location of each retreat can change but is generally in the seven county metro area of Minneapolis/St. Paul. The location of the most upcoming retreat can typically be found on the Marriage Booster Retreat webpage. You will also get information about the upcoming retreat once you register.

The retreat usually starts around 9:15am and ends around 4:45pm. These times allow for couples who have children the opportunity to get them cared for before they leave, and also to get back for dinner. Many couples who have attended the Marriage Booster Retreat have found it very beneficial to continue their retreat by staying at a local hotel, or finding someone to care for their children so that they could be together for the evening at home. Several of these couples have encouraged us to recommend this to future participants. This is something you may want to consider.

We hope that they can make every effort to stay for the entire retreat. Not only for them to get the full impact of the retreat, but because it keeps the retreat running much smoother without interruption.

Yes. About a week prior to your retreat Family Fest will email you with a link that will allow you to make a lunch selection. We will also have snacks, coffee, water and soft drinks available throughout the day.

Unfortunately we do not. We have tried to keep the retreat at a length that is short enough so that couples can find child care.

We would prefer that they make other arrangements for the baby. The retreat format is not really conducive to having a baby there as it can be disturbing to others, but it also takes away from your opportunity to get away.

You have made a great commitment to yourselves and to your marriage. We truly hope that nothing interferes with your retreat plans. In addition, materials and meals have already been purchased for this retreat and it is important that we fill every spot. If for some reason you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible. If you cancel within 24 hours of the start of the retreat, we would hope that you would make a donation just as if you had attended.