February Winter Weekend Survey

February Winter Weekend 2025 Survey

Camp Ranking, Take Away's & Speaker

How was Winter Weekend for you?
If you had kids in one or more of the youth programs, please select all appropriate categories.

Foundation Funding report

The Richard M Schulze Family Foundation provides some funding for scholarships and would like to know:
Do you beileve that Family Fest camps have strengthened your family's communication, feeling of unity and family connection?(Required)
Do you believe that Family Fest camps have strengthened your family's faith??(Required)
Would you recommend a Family Fest retreat to others?(Required)

Help us Promote Winter Weekend

The best way for us to promote Winter Weekend is to get quotes from campers on the impact it has made on you. These quotes might be used in next year's brochure, our web page, promo videos and in applying for scholarship grants.

Others to Invite

If you know of families or potential KCs who you would like us to add to the mailing list, please add their names and addresses in this section and we will be sure to add them to our mailing list. Please make sure to include their full address, including zip code. It would be helpful if you had and email address as well.

Ministry to families, by families

If you would be willing to help out for next year's Winter Weeknd please let us know below.
I would love to help out next year:
Our family is interested in becoming monthly donors to Family Fest
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.